
Tax Benefits of Home Ownership

Tax Benefits of Home Ownership U.S. taxpayers have enjoyed specific tax benefits for home ownership since personal income tax was introduced by the 16th amendment in 1913. While these benefits may not be the primary reason that motivates a person to buy a home, they are still tangible and not available to...

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A Cost to Consider

Homeownership, part of the American Dream: a home of your own where you can feel safe, raise your family, share with your friends and enjoy life. The benefits are easily recognizable but maintenance is just as real and should be considered. Property taxes and insurance are two of the largest expenses homeowners...

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Considering a second home?

Want a Second Home? 5 Helpful Tips!   Whether you’re thinking about buying an investment property for steady cash flow, a vacation home for your family or a temporary home for your college-bound son or daughter, there are a few things you should consider before making the investment: Local Market —...

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You’re finally thinking about taking the plunge to Home Ownership!

You’ve been looking online, and found the things you like and don’t like, and what you “must have” in your first home.  You’re ready to go buy!   No!   First, the very first thing, check with a Realtor!  They will guide you through the process, letting you know what to expect, and when to expect...

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