


Did you know that each time you mow your grass you are creating a success or failure scenario?  Mow correctly and you’ll have a healthy lawn, strong enough to crowd out weeds and drought tolerant.  Mow incorrectly and you will be staring at a lawn in stress.

Never cut too short (scalping).  This will leave your lawn vulnerable to diseases and weeds.  A sparse lawn with soil exposure allows the weed seeds to take root.  Cut at a higher level during the summer months to allow for shade for the roots.

Sharpen your mower blade.  A dull blade will tear the grass where as a sharp one will cut cleanly.    When your lawn is cut with a dull blade it will develop a whitish or brown hue as the tips of the grass die back.

Mow during the cooler time of day or when the yard is in shade.  Pruning or cutting causes stress.  Mowing in the heat of the day causes the individual grass plants to lose more water and recover slower.

Leave those clippings on the yard after mowing, it’s called grasscycling.  These clippings can provide up to 25 percent of your lawn’s fertilizer needs.  Only do this if you are mowing grass that is mowed frequently.  If it is longer grass you will need to mow over them again to cut them into smaller pieces.

Don’t mow in the same direction or pattern each time.  This causes the soil to compact and can create ruts.

Who would have thought that the act of simply mowing your yard was actually such a science.

Blog Author: Lisa Sisemore

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