DIY Headboard

DIY Headboard

Easy, fast, casual and elegant all at the same time!

Here is a simple and stylish way to create your very own unique and custom headboard for your bedroom!

Instead of buying an expensive headboard, my husband beat some 1x4s with a chain, and then I stained them with a grey wipe on stain. Then I applied one coat of satin gloss water based topcoat, and finished with a very light sanding using a very fine wet sandpaper. This product is like magic! You can feel the bumps go away as you sand(one direction, one time).

Wipe off the residue with a damp clean cloth and you’re ready to nail the pre measured boards to the wall!

We started attaching the boards from the ceiling, since we knew we wanted that look. It would be great if we had high ceilings, but it still works!

A little shabby, a little chic. Metallic fabric bedspread, and shades look great with the stained wood! Be creative and have fun!

Blog Author: Sandi Titus


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