Capital Metro to expand Lakeline Park & Ride facility
Posted by Clive Rutherford on Apr 27, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments
Capital Metro to expand Lakeline Park & Ride facility by Amy Denney
With a $50 million grant from the Texas Department of Transportation, Capital Metro is moving forward with plans to double the capacity and frequency of its MetroRail commuter line.
TxDOT approved the grant in June to assist Capital Metro, the city of Austin’s transit authority, in purchasing four new rail vehicles and building a permanent downtown station and pedestrian plaza adjacent to the Austin Convention Center. An $11.3 million federal grant and about $18 million of Capital Metro’s own money will go toward adding a second set of tracks at three rail stations, including the Lakeline Station, and signal upgrades.
Upgrading MetroRail is Capital Metro’s No. 1 priority, President and CEO Linda Watson said.
“We’ll also be doing additional rail and signal work to upgrade both of those so we can operate at faster speeds, pass trains and accommodate freight,” she said. “As a result of that we’ll be able to double our frequency and capacity during peak [hours].”
Capital Metro expects the expanded capacity to increase ridership on MetroRail. It is planning to address existing and future capacity issues at its Lakeline and Howard Park & Ride facilities, both of which averaged 112 percent capacity in 2014.
Click HERE for the rest of the article.

I moved to Lago Vista about fifteen years ago and have been involved in community affairs on many levels since that time. I am a Past-President of the Lago Vista & Jonestown Area Chamber of Commerce, and of the Lago Vista Festival Foundation, current Vice-President and Board Member of the Lago Vista Economic Development Alliance and Board Member of the Lago Vista Property Owners Association.
“British Born, Texas Proud!” — a slogan I hope will convey my deep commitment to my adopted home. I believe there is just one foundation for your relationship with your real estate professional — TRUST.
I promise to earn yours!
Email: cliverutherford@att.net
Tel: 512-589-7635