
Thinking of Buying or Selling in the HOT Cedar Park or Leander market?

Check out the attached article for some great tips on buying or selling your home in the Cedar Park and Leander areas. Since May of 2010 median home prices in the Cedar Park area have increased by 42 percent and 19 percent in Leander!  Homes are selling at a much faster rate than they did 4 years ago.  Homes stayed on the the...

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ENERGY STAR @ home tips

Outside House A/C Unit When buying new heating and cooling equipment such as a central air conditioning unit, proper sizing and quality installation are critical to your home’s energy efficiency and comfort. Remember: Bigger doesn’t always mean better. Oversized equipment can cause reduced comfort and excessive...

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Livin’ it up in Lago!

  Think of all that the Lago Area has to offer!  The lakes are still beautiful albeit they are low.  The lifestyle is so relaxed and yet there is plenty to keep one busy-the choice is yours! Hiking, biking, boating, wine tours, bird sanctuaries, wildlife. Stores, restaurants, need I say more?  But wait! Look at the...

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Even Superheroes have Real Estate Agents!

Clive Rutherford

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